why the fuck do furries say “its just cosplay” what the fuck are you cosplaying as? a god damn dog motherfucker cosplayers are like video game characters or anime characters not god damn dogs and cats, its not fucking cosplay you fucking retard because cosplaying as an animal just sounds so fucking retarded what if a content creator shows up and is like “greet me in your character” what the fuck are you gonna do? bark? the furry fandom has been so fucking retarded that they forgot what cosplay means they are fucking dumbasses (i had a copy and paste saved)
I never understood all the hate towards this community, they don't hurt anyone.
Don't you just want to mind your own business?
I'm not furry, but it annoys me to see so much relentlessness. I guess it's basically a group effect, other people discriminate furry, so you do.
the hate towards the retards is because they exist :skull: