the uttp. also known as UTubeTrollPolice.
but as i like to call them, ultimate retard group. these fuckers are just some retarded snot nose kids who will threaten to doxx you and kill you, but the most they can do is bully you. most of the time you probably dont even realize that you are getting bullied because they only know how to throw lame ass insults at you. lemme tell you somethin, so awhile ago, probably 7 months ago. i saw this persons video. definitely a uttp member, but i didnt know what uttp was. so this retards video was him making fun of dantdm, but no, not just making fun of him, making fun of dantdms dog passing away. thats retarded behavior. i checked the comments, people are bullying the uttp member as they should. this mf put a discord link in the comments, i joined the discord server to obviously, grab the members ip address (i failed miserably because i didnt know how to work one back then) but wanna know what i saw? videos animal abuse. how could these fucking retarded kids find humor in something so disgusting. its honestly actually retarded. the most fucked up shit ive seen. there were other people in there raiding the server, then one guy was telling the owner to kill himself (like a good person) but then some other retard posted an ip grabber. before he did he said that he had his address, and then he posted a gray picture which was an ip grabber (i know that because my friend told me that it was an ip grabber) i just want to ask a question. what the fuck are you going to do with someones ip address, sure you can tell everyone in that server that its his ip address, but what are they going to do? half of the people in there are raiding and telling the owner to kill himself, and the other half is the uttp members, which are just little children. retarded children. sure you can tell another group of people but they are probably children too. the most you can do is scare him. it really shows that uttp members are actually retarded. and earlier today, i saw a uttp retard. i bullied them. i wanted to join their discord server to bully them even more but that link is probably just going to hack my discord account. now, if you are a uttp member (UTubeTrollPolice/ultimate retard group). kill yourself. i mean that, with 100%, 1000%
I agree with you! With a 100% and a 1000%! But retarded would be an understatement, they are putrid and disgusting! Just a few minutes ago I saw videos from a uttp member attacking Jewish people! This whole uttp shit needs to be obliterated, token out of the furnace, and then burned again. How could one find humor in animal abuse!? These kids are psychopathic, a true disgrace to God. You my friend, earned a follow!